About Me

My name is Kun Yuan, a Ph.D. student, co-supervised by Prof. Nicolas PADOY (Université de Strasbourg) and Prof. Nassir NAVAB (Technische Universität München). My research focus is AI in healthcare, especially designing computer vision-based algorithms to build multiple applications in laparoscopic and robotic surgeries. I am also interested in the multi-moidality learning with vision and language in the surgical applications. I am always open to collaboration. Feel free to drop me an e-mail.


[Jun. 2024] I won the Best Paper Award at PCAI 2024.
[Mar. 2024] Two papers accepted at MICCAI 2024.
[Dec. 2023] One paper accepted at IPCAI 2024.
[Aug. 2023] We are excited to share our surgical vision-language foundation model, the code and pre-trained weights are released.
[Jul. 2023] Successful completion of the Surgical Data Science Summer School, with heartfelt thanks to all involved.
[Sep. 2022] I am pleased to join CAMMA and CAMP for the Ph.D. study.
[Jul. 2022] I won the Joseph De Koninck Thesis Prize at Uottawa.
[Mar. 2022] One paper accepted at Medical Image Analysis.
[Oct. 2021] I won the Young Scientist Award at MICCAI 2021.


Ph.D. Student, Technische Universität München, 09/2022 - present

Ph.D. Student, Université de Strasbourg, 09/2022 - present

Graduate Student, University of Ottawa, 09/2019 - 09/2022

Undergraduate Student, China University of Petroleum, 09/2015 - 09/2019


Researh Engineer, OpenMMLab, SHLab, 03/2021 - 03/2022

Visiting Student, DEEP BIT LAB, Chinese University of Hongkong (Shenzhen), 04/2019 - 11/2019